Labels:bag | boat | book | bulletin board | daily | gazette | person | rotogravure | sky OCR: BUSINESS HELPS For Rapid Adding and H iguring The Coriptorneter the bookeeper bill clerk OT accountant what the typewriter is to the corre spondent an ecanomic necessity Time speut on figure work that mecnine will do quic ker cesier and more acc uratel, needles waste of mental energy The Comptometer nou only saves time but prey ents mary costly crtors With very little practice aryone can add more columns, cros footings scattered items m an hour taan could possibl, be added in tws hours by any other reans That's enougr to commend ng it dous mor Being exclusi vely key-driven no lever to pull it rakes swifl worl extending and checking bills inven- tories handles Lractioms and chain disaounts US casily whole numbers; prorates costs, figures precentages, ete Col., Atking- Says McGec "18 mont Su ...